Brexit referendum: method and benchmarks
Our prediction method (announced in the previous text ) rests primarily upon our Facebook survey, where we use a variety of Bayesian updating methodologies to filter out internal biases in order to offer the most precise prediction. In essence we ask our participants to express their preference of who they will vote for (e.g. Leave or Remain for the Brexit referendum), how much do they think their preferred choice will get (in percentages), and how much do they think other people will estimate that Leave or Remain could get. Depending on how well they estimate the prediction possibilities of their preferred choices we will formulate their predictive power and give higher weight to the better predictors. We call this method the Bayesian Adjusted Facebook Survey (BAFS) . In our first election prediction attempt , where we predicted the results of the 2015 general elections in Croatia, we found that our adjusted Facebook poll (AFP) [1] beat all other methods (ours and of other pol